URGENT: Please act now to show support for the ONLY Wilderness Bill that would provide adequate protection for all the remaining intact wildlife and fish habitat (Roadless Lands) in the Northern Rockies
The Northern Rockies Ecosystem Recovery Act – HR-1975
A hearing on the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act was held last Thursday (10/18) in the U.S. House of Representatives. NREPA is science-based a public lands wilderness and wildlands restoration bill developed by grassroots groups and folks living in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Oregon and Washington.
The time has come for The Big Push of public support needed for the passage of the NREPA!
If enacted this bill would protect headwaters streams, habitat for imperiled salmon, grizzlies, lynx, wolverine, and many more species . . . on a landscape level.
The bill (H.R. 1975), introduced earlier this year into the House, now has 115 co-sponsors and a Congressional Hearing. It is supported by Nick Rayhall (D-WV), chairman for the Committee on Natural Resources where it currently resides, along with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and other powerful members of the House and Senate.
Montana Representative Denny Rehberg (R) and his allies (that sell all-terrain vehicles (ORVs) that destroy pristine wildlife habitat and water quality) worked hard to marginalize NREPA by making misleading statements and conducting a website push-poll leading up to Thursday’s hearing. According to press accounts, Rehberg stated at the hearing that over 7000 people had responded to his poll and 97% of them were opposed to the bill.
Please Help Counteract the Public Lands User/Abuser Anti-NREPA campaign – Let Congress know that NREPA has strong support in the west. Now, more than ever, NREPA needs your support in the form of testimony to the subcommittee.
Submit your testimony to the U.S. House via email:
Send to [email protected]
NREPA Facts:
NREPA will restore and maintain wildlife security and quiet recreation in all roadless lands in the Northern Rockies by designating them as Wilderness (# acres etc.).
NREPA would establish and protect wildlife corridors between wilderness areas. Scientists agree that secure wildlife corridors are essential to prevent the extinction of many wildlife species.
NREPA will restore wildlife habitat and watersheds in Idaho and Montana while creating 2,300 new, high-paying jobs to remove roads in thousands of acres of damaged federal lands, designated ‘Wildland Recovery Areas’ in the bill.
NREPA will save taxpayers $245 million by not developing roadless lands.
Tell Committee members that you wholeheartedly support the protection of wildlife habitat on public lands that NREPA would ensure, especially in view of the threat of global warming(?).
Make sure to state that your testimony is intended to be part of the formal hearing record for the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands for the hearing on HR 1975, the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act.