by Mike Garrity | Aug 6, 2013 | Associated Press, AWR, bears, bison, buffalo, hazing, wildlife, Yellowstone National Park
Federal Agency Turns Over Bison Hazing Documents Court Rejects Helicopter Haze Injunction Appeals Court won’t Block Yellowstone Bison Hazing Alliance for the Wild Rockies Seeks Emergency Injunction to Halt Helicopter Bison Hazing Emergency Motion, May 13, 2013 (PDF)...
by Mike Garrity | Aug 6, 2013 | Associated Press, AWR, bears, bison, buffalo
by Associated Press HELENA — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has turned over its analysis on the effects of hazing bison back into Yellowstone National Parks on threatened grizzly bears after a conservation group sued for the information. U.S. District Judge Donald...
by Mike Garrity | Jul 25, 2013 | Associated Press, AWR, Big Belt Mountains, logging, lynx
Judge Stops Three Logging Projects Over Lynx Judge Stops another Logging Project over Lynx Court Order, June 25, 2013 Federal Court Halts Illegal Logging and Road-building in Lynx Habitat in the Big Belt Mountains
by Mike Garrity | Jun 25, 2013 | Associated Press, AWR, lynx
by Associated Press A federal judge has blocked another Montana logging project because the U.S. Forest Service and Fish and Wildlife Services did not take the proper steps to determine whether lynx may be in the area. U.S. District Judge Dana Christensen on Monday...
by Mike Garrity | Jun 25, 2013 | Associated Press, AWR, logging, lynx
by Associated Press A federal judge this week blocked three Montana logging projects in two national forests, saying the U.S. government did not properly examine the effects the projects might have on lynx and the threatened animal’s habitat. That makes four...
by Mike Garrity | May 24, 2013 | Associated Press, AWR, bears, elk, logging, lynx, roads
by The Associated Press HELENA — A judge on Friday blocked a logging project in Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest and ordered two federal agencies to take another look at the effects on lynx, grizzly bears and elk that may be in the area. The Fleecer Mountains...