by Mike Garrity | May 13, 2013 | AWR, bears, bison, buffalo
contact Michael Garrity, Executive Director, Alliance for the Wild Rockies, (406) 459-5936 The Alliance for the Wild Rockies filed an Emergency Motion with the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit yesterday seeking a federal injunction to halt...
by Mike Garrity | Apr 19, 2013 | AWR, bison, buffalo
by Katherine Mozzone, KTVM Reporter BOZEMAN, Mont. — Wildlife advocates are outraged over a bison shot in a wildlife management area in the Paradise Valley, but Department of Livestock leaders say the bison was out of the tolerance area and had to be shot. Folks with...
by Mike Garrity | Mar 28, 2013 | AWR, bears, bison, Yellowstone National Park
by Eve Byron, Independent Record A conservation group in Helena filed a notice Thursday that it will appeal a federal court judge’s ruling that allows for helicopter hazing of bison to resume this spring near Yellowstone National Park. Mike Garrity, executive...
by Mike Garrity | Mar 27, 2013 | AWR, bears, bison, Yellowstone National Park
by Laura Lundquist, Chronicle Staff Writer Less than two months before bison must be pushed back into Yellowstone National Park, a judge has issued a ruling that will allow Montana authorities to use helicopters to haze the animals. On Tuesday in Missoula, U.S....
by Mike Garrity | May 17, 2012 | AWR, bears, bison, buffalo, cattle, cows, hazing, Yellowstone National Park
‘Til the Cows Come Home U.S. Judge Halts Aerial Herding of Yellowstone Bison Judge Issues Restraining Order Against Helicopter Use in Bison Hazing Federal Judge Halts Low-Level Helicopter Bison Hazing to Protect Yellowstone Grizzlies Order, May 14, 2012 (doc) Cattle...
by Mike Garrity | May 17, 2012 | AWR, bears, bison, cattle, cows, Yellowstone National Park
by George Ochenski How much longer will we haze bison with helicopters? It’s springtime in the Rockies and that means the brutal practice of hazing bison off federal lands to make room for cattle is once again in full swing, as state and federal agents seek to...