by Mike Garrity | Nov 21, 2012 | AWR, beetles, Lewis and Clark National Forest, Little Belt Mountain, logging
Detailed Project Map (PDF) The Rest of the Story on Little Belt Lawsuit Conservation Groups Sue Over Little Belt Logging Groups Sue Over Little Belts Beetle-kill Logging Conservation Groups File Lawsuit to Stop Herbicide spraying and Logging on 17,000 Acres in Little...
by Mike Garrity | Oct 22, 2012 | AWR, elk, Elkhorn, logging
by Mike Garrity, OPED, Your Turn in Helena Independent Record Eve Byron’s well-written article in the IR on Oct. 17 about the Forest Service decision to change elk cover standards should have been titled “Forest Service Wants to Destroy Elk Habitat.”...
by Mike Garrity | Sep 27, 2012 | AWR, Gallatin National Forest, logging
by Laura Lundquist, Chronicle Staff Writer This summer’s Millie fire prompted renewed calls for thinning the forests south of Bozeman to protect the city’s water supply from fire. However, upgrades to the water plant are nullifying the argument that the...
by Mike Garrity | Sep 27, 2012 | AWR, Bozeman Watershed, East Boulder Creek, fire, Gallatin National Forest, logging
Bozeman Watershed (png) East Boulder Creek (PDF) Water Supply Less Vulnerable to Fire Environmental Groups Sue to Stop Logging Projects Conservations Groups Sue Over Gallatin National Forest Logging Projects Conservation Groups File Lawsuit...
by Mike Garrity | Sep 18, 2012 | Associated Press, AWR, Gallatin National Forest, Lewis and Clark National Forest, Little Belt Mountain, logging
by Associated Press GREAT FALLS — Two conservation groups filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Forest Service arguing the agency should have completed a more thorough environmental review of a plan to cut down trees killed by mountain pine beetles in the Little Belt...
by Mike Garrity | Sep 17, 2012 | AWR, goshawk, Lewis and Clark National Forest, Little Belt Mountain, logging, wolverines
by Karl Puckett, Tribune Staff Writer Two conservation organizations are suing the U.S. Forest Service over a plan to log mountain pine beetle-infested trees in the Little Belt Mountains. Lewis and Clark National Forest contends that with the infested trees at risk of...