Groups to Appeal Wolf Ruling to 9th Circuit

by Rob Chaney of the Missoulian At least three environmental groups seeking to keep gray wolves under federal protection say they plan to appeal a U.S. District Court ruling that gave wolf management to the states. Michael Garrity of Alliance for the Wild Rockies said...

Mixed Reaction to Montana Wolf Court Ruling

by Dennis Bragg (KPAX/KAJ News) MISSOULA- Hunters will be able to kill wolves this Fall, but the Alliance for the Wild Rockies is hoping to change that for next hunting season. The Alliance is appealing Wednesday’s court ruling which keeps wolves off the...

U.S. Judge Refuses to Restore Wolf Protections

by Laura Zuckerman, Reuters SALMON, Idaho, Aug 3 (Reuters) – A federal judge refused on Wednesday to overturn an unprecedented act of Congress that removed some 1,500 wolves in Montana and Idaho from the U.S. endangered species list. U.S. District Judge Donald...