by Erik Gillberg | May 15, 2024 | Endangered Species Act, logging
Photo: USFWS Having lost so many times in court because they keep breaking the law, the Forest Service has now turned to what are called “landscape scale treatments” where they refuse to tell the public how, when, and where they are going to clearcut and...
by Mike Garrity | Aug 23, 2023 | elk, Grizzly, logging, lynx, Yellowstone National Park
It’s absolutely one of the worst places in the country for clearcuts. So we’re thrilled that the Court agreed with us and halted the logging project. But going even further, the Court’s Order vacated the Forest Service’s approval of this logging and road-building...
by Mike Garrity | Jun 28, 2023 | bears, Grizzly, logging
Photo: Glen Phillips Thanks to a successful court challenge by the Alliance for the Wild Rockies, over 10,000 acres of grizzly bear habitat in northwestern Montana will not be decimated by commercial logging. In late June, our lawsuit in a federal district court in...
by Mike Garrity | Oct 4, 2018 | logging
We just had a week in which our nation saw its president openly laughed at in front of the United Nations by the world’s leaders for his ridiculous braggadocio about his own success. Then the Senate Judiciary Committee blatantly ignored additional sexual abuse...
by Mike Garrity | Nov 24, 2016 | AWR, logging
Calling it “one of the worst places for clearcuts,” Mike Garrity, Executive Director of the Alliance for the Wild Rockies, announced that a Federal District Court has granted its request for an injunction, halting a massive clearcut and logging project west of Red...
by Mike Garrity | May 23, 2016 | AWR, logging
By Michael Wright Chronicle Staff Writer More waiting is in store on a logging project south of Bozeman. A Ninth Circuit Court judge ordered this week that an existing stay on the case will continue until the U.S. Supreme Court decides what to do with a separate case...